Barkulan Hub

Author name: Barkulan Admin


Tartanka Horyaalka Xisaabta

BarkulanHub ayaa qaban-qaabisay (1dii Noofembar) Tartankii ugu horeeyey ee dhinaca xisaabta maskaxda (mental math) iyada la kaashanaysa Maktabada Bugaagta ee Gebiley (Gebiley Library) isla markaana martigelisay tartankeedii koowaad ee tartankka

Tech meetup

Tech MeetUp series:4

Episode 4 – Tech Sales in Somaliland: Opportunities and Challenges Date and Time: February 11, 2024, at 4:00 PM Event Overview:The fourth episode of our Tech Meetup series, titled “Tech

Tech meetup

 Tech Meetup Series:E3

 Episode 3 – Remote Jobs and Cloud Computing Participant Overview:The event attracted 40 participants, many of whom were eager to explore remote work opportunities and enhance their skills in cloud

Tech meetup

Tech meetup series:2

Episode 2 – Navigating the Future Event Overview:The session provided an engaging platform for discussions on current trends and the future impacts of technology. It emphasized the importance of starting

Tech meetup

Tech Meetup Series:1

Episode 1 – Building Your Personal Brand in the Tech World Participant Overview:The event brought together 35 participants, most of whom were involved in the tech field, while others were

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